The CUB (Compton Union Building) gallery is located in the CUB entryway on the far eastern side of the 1st floor (just outside the auditorium). It's a small space and you have to pay attention to the entire room because exhibit pieces can be anywhere. The CUB gallery used to be it's own room but I think that having the gallery actually in the entry way makes it more open and visible. There still isn't as much attendance as I think there should be but maybe it just feels that way.
This current exhibit is titled Origami Unfolded and is amazing. It's a small exhibit and should only take about 5 minutes to enjoy the art. You are welcome to linger but if you are in a hurry go out the east exit and enjoy some art on the way.
The Fine Arts building (kitty corner to the CUB) houses a gallery and a museum. Outside of the building is some art and may be a changing exhibit in it's own right but I can't say with certainty.
You enter on the main floor and if you go in either direction and turn down the hall opposite the entry way (the halls are split by a stair case in the middle) and come around the corner you will be at Gallery 2. I assume this is gallery 2 because the museum is gallery 1 but I don't know. Currently gallery 2 is empty to prepare for an exhibit opening this week. I have seen artwork in the little foyer across from the gallery. The pics here are of art work that I believe is in the area to dry but I liked it anyway.
Heading to the south of the building and down the hall to the right you will be in alignment with the Museum entrance.
To the left of the entrance is a hallway with the most amazing art from reflectors. I really want one of these.

The fuzzy pic is mine so I borrowed another from the museum website to give everyone a clearer picture of the art work.
From there - enter the museum. Currently Cynthia Finch is represented at the museum. I found her work to be more bizarre than I like but someone obviously likes her. I was asked not to take pictures so I am just including one from the promotional pictures on the website.